How to avoid soft blocks

At some point or another, everyone has encountered this issue.

You attempt to send a friend request to your ideal client avatar or send a batch of messages to your newly acquired hot leads, only to receive a Facebook notification that you're unable to perform that action. Alternatively, you see a red exclamation mark when sending messages. We've all been there; it's frustrating.

So, how can you prevent this from happening, allowing you to send 100 messages a day to your friends or 50+ friend requests each day?

Every entrepreneur must understand that there are limits to what Facebook will permit. Initially, these limits are rather modest. When you're just starting out, you possess weak "Facebook muscles," so to speak. You can't send numerous friend requests or messages. However, as you gain more experience, your muscles grow, and Facebook grants you the ability to do more.

Every entrepreneur must understand that there are limits to what Facebook will permit. Initially, these limits are rather modest. When you're just starting out, you possess weak "Facebook muscles," so to speak. You can't send numerous friend requests or messages. However, as you gain more experience, your muscles grow, and Facebook grants you the ability to do more.

How Warnings & Soft Blocks Work

Sometimes, though not always, Facebook may issue a warning when it believes you're attempting to "lift" more than your Facebook muscles can handle.

Other times, you may get no warning at all, instead getting a “soft block”, in which case you will have to wait usually 24 hrs before using certain feature again.

If you are getting repeated warnings or soft blocks on Facebook, it’s time to be an innovator. What you’re currently doing apparently not within the limits Facebook is giving you, you would need to try something different.

So first let’s cover what not to do when you’re blocked


Do not keep trying: This leads to LONGER soft blocks (like working an injured muscle)


Do not be more active with other activities on FB.


Do not panic (soft blocks are normal and telling FB wants us to slow down -> it’s a warning so we don’t get a VERY long block)


Depending on the duration of your block, rest your account for 24 or 48+ hours.

Once the resting period is over, consider the following ideas and approaches:


Slow. It. Down - Reduce the number of tasks you attempt in a batch or spread them out throughout the day.


If you were previously: Sending friend requests, Sending messages, and Engaging with your friends posts. Do less and spread your activities throughout the day.


Explore New Territories - Try a different group or a different piece of content.

Try a different method:


If you were sending friend requests from Groups, try sending friend requests from posts.


If you were using a specific message format, try a different one..


Develop Overall Strength: Take a break from the task and work on something entirely different to demonstrate to Facebook that you're an engaged member.


IMPORTANT: Look for patterns whats not working/getting you soft blocks and make adjustments.

For those with underdeveloped Facebook muscles or those just starting out:

We recommend to start slowly because this is not about short term gains but about long term results.

Start of with:


20 friend requests to mutual friends.


20 reactions with auto reaction feature + adding some comments.


Send 20 messages.


Sharing a piece of content.

If you are successful and not encountering soft blocks, good! Remember this pattern, because when it comes to using Facebook efficiently you have to be aware of what patterns are working for you so if you encounter a soft block you can always revert back to what worked for you.

After a successful week, increase your actions by 20%-30%.

Once Facebook permits you to send 50 friend requests per day, try to stay within that limit. If you wish to increase this, proceed with caution. Increase friend requests by 5 a week after reaching the 50 FRs sent per day limit .

Again, it’s important to fully participate on Facebook in order to increase your limits.


Make sure you share content weekly.


Leave meaningful comments on your friends posts.

If you've been using Facebook for a while:


Identify what's working for you. If sending 30 friend requests, 30 messages, and leaving 30 reactions per day without encountering soft blocks is successful, good. Continue with this pattern.


Gradually increase your activities by 20%-30% each week and monitor the outcomes.

Gradually increase your activities by 20%-30% each week and monitor the outcomes.

Make sure your profile looks good before sending friend requests, to increase your chance of getting your friend request accepted, you can check this Article HERE.

If you can’t send friend requests:


Stop this activity for at least 24 hours or the specified duration and then attempt to send requests within your limits.


Should another soft block occur, halt this activity and rest your account for 48 hours, but continue other tasks within the established limits.


Then gradually resume sending friend requests, perhaps trying requests from posts if you previously sent them from groups.

If you're unable to send messages (indicated by a red exclamation mark):


Review your initial direct message (DM). Is it appearing spammy, overly long, or containing external links?


Allow your account to rest for 24 or 48 hours, depending on the block's duration.

A few insights on messaging people:

Facebook desires users to remain on the platform as long as possible. Consistently sending messages with external links can result in soft blocks occurring rapidly.

When sharing a resource requiring a link, ensure it's viewable within Facebook's platform. First, ask the person if they're interested in seeing the resource before proceeding.

In essence, Facebook encourages participation on the platform to maximize engagement. Utilize Facebook's rules to your advantage and watch your business thrive.


I hope this guide proves helpful. If you encounter a soft block and are unsure of your next steps or need assistance in optimizing your Facebook capabilities, please don't hesitate to message us. We'd be delighted to assist you!

- FriendFilter team